A large, older building.

Support Shimer Great Books School

Since North Central acquired Shimer College, graduates and Shimerians alike have continued their faithful support through annual and major gifts. 

How to Support Shimer

If you are interested in supporting Shimer Great Books School at North Central College, the Montaigne Scholarship or would like to make a gift in memory or honor of a member of the Shimer community, please visit our secure online gift form or 立博在线体育 to discuss what you are considering as a gift to Shimer.

Does your employer have a matching gifts program? 点击 在这里 to find out how you can double or even triple your gift to Shimer Great Books School!

A Shimer Great Books School class in session around a round table.

For More Information

Please contact Dean Bacon at dmbacon@noctrl.edu.